
Archive for the ‘Travel’ Category

Malaysia update

April 5, 2010 Leave a comment

We are now in Klang, doing the standard stuff we always do when we come here. Lots of eating, lying around and family visits. I have some new cousins and nephews who are all really cute. It’s a bit worrying to think that soon it might be my turn, but I really can’t imagine it right now. As usual, we have been going to the cinema a lot and hitting balls on the driving range and of course, getting roti canai.

Heaven on a plate

We had the best roti canai ever at a place called the IV café in Panamaran. It was so crispy, even on the inside. Who knows how they make it, but it was just amazing. This weekend we went to see the F1 at Sepang, which was incredible. More on that to follow. Getting on a plane tomorrow to go back home. Looking forward to a 12 hour flight…

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March 22, 2010 Leave a comment

Those of you that visit this blog regularly will know that I am in Malaysia right now. It is hot and very humid, a perfect breeding ground for the most dastardly of insects, the mosquito.

There are so many things about the mosquito that I hate. I can’t see any biological purpose for their existence. They exist only to bite other living things and suck their blood, annoying the crap out of them in the process. We humans have learnt of methods to deal with these irritating pests, often resorting to toxic (!) sprays designed to ward off hungry mozzies. You have to feel for other animals like cows which are willing hosts for the parasites to leech off.

Playing host to a mosquito doesn’t end up with them complimenting you about the food and presenting you with a nice bottle of wine. Instead, an angry red bite the size of a 10p piece is your reward, making you want to tear off the skin in the immediate vicinity. Dealing with multiple mozzie bites is very much a reality in tropical countries but really, there’s not much you can do except try not to touch them.

Then there’s the thing that bugs me most about mosquitoes (pun intended!). They carry all kinds of diseases. They can transmit blood-borne viruses from one host to another. So if you’re bitten by a mosquito that has recently snacked on a yellow fever sufferer then congratulations, you now have yellow fever! You can also get dengue fever, a tropical disease that is often lethal, and of course malaria.

So next time you look at Robert Pattinson and get annoyed by the sight of that blood-sucking bastard, think about the little mosquito. It’s just as irritating.

Categories: Comment, Nature, Travel Tags: , ,

Malaysia so far

March 21, 2010 Leave a comment

Penang laksa

So I finally made it to Malaysia after what seemed like an age (I think I was travelling for a total of 22 hours). We ended up going straight to Penang via Alor Setar. We have been here for a few days now and the best thing about Malaysia is definitely the food! As soon as we touched down I had a roti canai and since then the trip has just been eating with stuff  in between. Particular favourites include char kuay teow, curry mee, nasi lemak and Penang laksa. We also went for a massive dim sum and had some fantastic tandoori chicken. Honestly, I think Malaysia is the best place in the world for street food, and it’s so cheap as well. Even with the ridiculous £/MYR exchange rate, a meal for 6 will cost about a tenner!

Pressing sugar cane juice

We also got to see my dad’s new condo in the heart of Penang. We have given him a lot of stick because we didn’t think it existed but it turns out it is almost finished. It will have a pool and tennis courts and it looks like being a good investment in the end. We also took a trip to a temple in the mountains which was amazing. The views were incredible!

We are having fun so far despite the almost unbearable heat and humidity. Me and my brother are also suffering quite badly from mosquito bites. I’m sure they will be the subject of a rant in the near future. In the meantime, stay tuned to hear about KL and Klang as well as the Grand Prix.

Categories: Comment, Travel Tags: , , ,

Malaysia here we come

March 15, 2010 Leave a comment

I’m heading off to Malaysia today, so I won’t be able to post as regularly. As such, I will cast my journalistic pretensions aside and just try to update you lot with the main things we get up to. Looking forward to everything but especially the food! My friend Ryan sums it up better than I could in this post. Will be back in 3 weeks, after a trip to the Malaysian Grand Prix!

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